2014年11月24日 星期一

Couchsurfing as a therapy?

This is the first time that I would say that I failed the couchsurfing. It was really frustrating that I've got this "criminal record" in Gothenburg, my favorite city in Sweden.

It's obvious that I did not realize that I was really really devoured by my negativity and emotions triggered by the failure to get in contact with the professors. And of course, the vague, confusing future ahead also  played its part. I believe I could hide these shits very well if I met someone who had a lot of things in common, especially the social issues. If not, then I just showed my true colors.

But my biggest problem was that I took it for granted that everyone would be willing to put on all my shits. I've got this habit when I surfed at London. There I met several friends who were so supportive and always would love to listen to me. It was so stunning that one could meet people from the other parts of the planet could understand the feelings. So after this, I think I want to get the copies from all the couchsurfers. But it's just not people's duty to do that, not to mention that I need to conquer all the things  by myself.

Anyway, I hope I learn something from this and will make the next couch better. 

2014年7月7日 星期一

Burger King Proud Whopper

"We are all the same inside."

But we are still different outside. By different I am referring to not the appearances but the power on the basis of race, class, gender, resources, whatever that can be utilized to deal with the risk. By the way, if sexual orientation was replaced with the attributes above, this footage would still make sense. 

The Whopper is really delightful. And the footage is stunning. But the whole world is still gloomy ahead of us. Because people always tend to find the differences but not the sameness that makes connection.

2014年4月28日 星期一

The fascist mind in civil society

Then you see that domination exists even in the thing you have faith in. You start sensing totality, absolutism and flavor of magical thinking. You start capturing how both obedience and intolerance of dissent loom large the way one easily gets terrified. Violence is followed by denials while sacrifice is taken for granted. Eventually you realize the good old days have far gone. You either seek excessive power to reproduce the game rules or leave the once promised land for good. And you know you will, no doubt, choose the latter.

I will always be the on the other side of fascism. If the social actors who dedicate themselves to the rooted democracy ignore or even deny any signs / tendencies of fascism, they will confront with my withdraw and deepest hostility. 

I'd had faith in you, my land. Farewell. 

2014年4月23日 星期三





The Garden of the Women@奧爾斯多夫公墓(德國漢堡)

  圖1: The Garden of the Women (photo by the author) 此文已於 Matters 發表。 許多台灣人對於墳墓總是很忌諱,包括我在內。也因此,除非要探訪至親好友,通常沒有人會想在裡投或是周邊逗留。相反地,對我來說,歐洲的墓園則顯得不是...